Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
The Office Assistant is usually in the office Mon-Thurs 5:30-7:30 pm.
If she is not in the office to accept your enrollment or payment, you may leave it in the drop payment box to the left of the office window in the lobby. You can email inquiries to
We accept enrollment at any time! Regular sessions run from Aug-May and July-June. You can start at any time! Visit the Enrollment tab above for session options!
Please visit the Enrollment Info page (1st drop-down menu above) and/or visit the Online Parent Portal.
Class placement is by age, them by experience level. Ages 2.5-4.5 are in the preschool class, age 5 and up in the beginner’s class. Advanced Preschool and Intermediate classes are enrollment by placement based on a mastery of a set of advanced skills. Boys aged 4-6 are in Boys I and Boys ages 7 and up in the Boys II class. There is a tool on the Online Portal that helps you determine what class a student should be in after student setup. When you enroll, you enroll for one class a week at a specific day and time each week.
Class placement is by age. Ages 2.5-4.5 are in the preschool class, age 5 and up in the beginner’s class. Advanced Preschool and Intermediate classes are enrollment by placement based on a mastery of a set of advanced skills. Boys aged 4-6 are in Boys I and Boys ages 7 and up in the Boys II class. There is a tool on the Online Portal that helps you determine what class a student should be in after student setup. When you enroll, you enroll for one class a week at a specific day and time each week. Visit HERE for more info on class specs.
Class fees can be viewed online and are based on 4 weeks of classes in a month. Sometimes, here are 5 class days in a given month. We offset this by only prorating fees in August, December, and May even though we are closed over Thanksgiving and Spring Break in March. More on this as the session goes on. There is a yearly registration fee of $20.00. Summer fees are for the entire summer (usually 9 or 10 wks) and the registration fee is $5/student if you are new to Heartland. All students will have a new registration fee each fall/spring session
Class fees are due by the 15th of each month. See more in the Rules and Policies. Summer class fees are due at your first class. Contact the office for summer payment plans.
You can now pay ONLINE! Just log in to your Parent Portal account (using the email address we have on file for you). If you have never logged in before, enter the email address you indicated on your enrollment form and select forgot password. You will then see your student’s info. You may also bring a check, cash, or card to the dropbox in the lobby anytime the gym is open. The gym will remain unlocked during all classes.
We hate to see you go but if you must, we require a 2 week written notice to withdraw from the program and are responsible for class fees through the 2 weeks. If your child stops attending classes, but we have not received a written notice of withdrawal, you will be responsible for class fees up to 2 weeks after we receive a written notice of withdrawing, regardless of your child’s attendance. See more in the Rules and Policies.
Sure! If a class time does not work for you any longer, or to see if your student is ready to move up in level, please contact the office at 785.625.5567 or
If you miss a class due to schedule conflict, sickness, etc. you may make up the missed class in another class. If you can, please let us know if you are going to be gone. That way we don’t worry! See more in the Rules and Policies.
You may contact the office at with a requested day and class time or you can log onto your Parent Portal account and click Schedule a Makeup in the upper-left corner of the home screen.
Boys classes may wear snug-fitting shorts and shirt/tank. Girls may wear the same, temporarily until you can get a leotard. It is dangerous to spot with baggy clothing, dangling jewelry, or loose hair as coaches can get caught up in it. Wearing a leotard allows coaches to safely spot tumbling and see little bodies move to properly correct technique. Socks and booty shorts are permitted. No leggings, tights, skirts, or two-piece outfits (no midriffs showing) are allowed. Hint: a one-piece swimsuit works great as a leo!
There are cubbies on the east wall of the gym. Pick any!
Heartland Academy does not currently offer dance classes, however, we do have coaches with dance experience available for private lessons to work on tumbling and dance centered skills.
We do offer squad or group private cheer lessons along with weekly cheer tumbling classes! Our experienced coaching staff (current FHSU cheerleaders!) will lead you to improve your tumbling and aerial skills. Contact the office for more info on our weekly cheer drop-in classes.
Private lessons are very limited in scheduling and applied on a first-come-first-served basis. Please see the office if you are interested in private lessons for gymnastics, tumbling, dance, or cheer. Private lessons are scheduled through the office only.
Private lessons are $28/hour and billed on the 1st of the month for the previous month’s lesson. There is a $20 yearly registration fee for private lessons. More info HERE.
Kids Night Out (KNO) is hosted at Heartland 1x/mo during the school year months. Usually on a Friday evening 7-9 pm. We play games, have snacks, watch movies, break out the bounce house, so crafts, and have SO. MUCH. FUN! Cost is $10/child for KNO, ages 4 and up. You do not have to be a member at Heartland to attend! Just visit the office for a release form when you sign up.
Open gym (OG) is hosted at Heartland 1x/mo during the school year months. Usually on a Saturday from 11 am-1 pm. Your child will get to work on the events and skills they choose with the help of coaches at their disposal. The cost is $10/child. Open Gym is not playtime, but a time to advance skills or work on skills you want. For this reason, Open Gym’s may be used as a makeup class.
Kids Night Out and Open Gym are open to anyone ages 4 and up! You do not have to be a student at Heartland to attend!
Yes! We have a Release Waiver for their guardian to sign, but you can bring anyone!
If you interested in joining our competition team, please contact the office. We start training new members in the summer months so get your name on our contact list!
Heartland Gymnastics Academy
1803 General Custer Road, Hays, Kansas 67601, United States
Copyright © 2025 Heartland Gymnastics Academy - All Rights Reserved.