Gymnastics is meant to be fun, educational, and assist in improving physical capabilities for both excelling in gymnastics and other activities. We also strive to teach children values such as sportsmanship, leadership, and coachability. Finally, our goal is that a child will gain self-worth and confidence through their participation here at Heartland in a fun and safe environment.
1. Parents or guardians must sign an Enrollment & Release Form prior to their child’s participation. This release is also agreed to for sduring online enrollment.
2. There is an annual enrollment/registration fee of $20 per child, not to exceed $40 per family. (The fee is $10 for the Summer session for students who were not enrolled during the Fall or Spring sessions.)
3. Fees are automatically applied on the 1st of the month no matter which day of the week it lands. FEES ARE DUE your first class of the month. (Ex. If the 1st is on a Sunday & your first class is Wednesday the 4th, that’s when your payment is due.) A $10 late fee will be added to any balance remaining after the 15th of the month.
4. There is a $35 charge on all returned checks.
5. Never give checks or payments to coaches or instructors. Submit only to office personnel or payment box.
If paying by cash only submit to office personnel and receive a receipt for payment.
6. No absences may be deducted from payments except for the summer months. Makeup classes should be arranged through the office or online. All absences must be made up by the end of May.
Any child who owes more than 2 months’ worth of fees will be unable to attend unless special arrangements are made with the office.
-16 days past due, $10 late fee applied, a statement is mailed to you
-60 days past due, an additional $10 late fee & a certified letter will be sent notifying of filing at a collections agency in 30 days AND enrollment is suspended until the account is paid in full.
-90 days past due balance is filed on collections at Check Recovery Solutions LLC collections agency where you may incur additional court fees, filing fees, postage fees, interest, etc
a. Online: Log on to your parent portal HERE to pay by card.
b. Check: Please put your payment in the locked “Payment” drop box to the left of the office window. Mark in your check memo what you are paying for and the gymnast's name. Checks may be mailed to Heartland Academy 1803 General Custer Rd. Hays, KS 67601.
c. Cash payment: Should only be made to the office personnel or Heartland owner, Tawnita Augustine. Cash receipts are available during office hours. Do not give payment to a coach.
d. Card: You may pay your account balances by card in the office or by phone during office hours.
e. Auto Pay: You may place your account on Auto Pay which will charge your card automatically on the 1st of each month! (If the 1st falls on F-Su it will be charged the Monday directly after the first)
You are required to give a 2 week written or email notice to withdraw from the program and are responsible for class fees through these 2 weeks. If your child stops attending classes, but we have not received a written/emailed notice of withdrawal, you will be responsible for class fees up to 2 weeks after we receive a written notice of withdrawal, regardless of your child’s attendance.
Heartland’s primary method of communication is email. Statements are emailed a minimum of 3x/mo until paid to date. Letters are then sent in an attempt to collect fees due with late fees. It is the Parent/guardian’s responsibility to check emails (and spam folders if needed) to get gym information. by enrolling at Heartland, you understand the fees are due by the 15th of each month, regardless if you have looked for the emailed statements sent monthly. You can always call the office to get your fees due, but we take great strides to make sure you have gotten the information you need to pay your monthly fees in a timely manner. If you are not receiving appropriate communication from Heartland, it is your responsibility to contact the Heartland office to inquire as to why (incorrect email address, mailing address, etc).
Absences may be made up in another class of the same level any time before the end of the school year (or Summer session) with prior approval. Please visit and select Parent Portal in the Menu to schedule your own makeup class. Students or parents should inform the instructor taking attendance that they are making up for another class.
1. Girls are to wear a leotard (a one-piece swimsuit is acceptable). No 2-piece suits are allowed in the gym. Boys are to wear shorts and a tighter-fitting T-shirt, tucked in. This is for the safety of your child and coaches. Loose-fitting clothing can get tangled in spotting tricks and equipment. No leos with skirts please.
2. Barefoot is preferred, however, cotton socks may be worn in cooler weather.
3. All mid-length to long hair should be pulled back or up in some manner, Prior to every class and at all times!
4. Post earrings may be worn, but no other dangling jewelry may be worn.
5. Running around and rough-housing are not allowed in the gym.
6. Chewing gum, candy, etc. are not allowed in the gym.
7. Students should ask their instructor before leaving the gym for the restroom, drinks, or with a parent.
8. Parents are asked to pick up their children promptly after class. Please meet them in the gym for your child’s safety. No student is allowed to leave the gym without an adult.
9. Students, as well as parents, are instructed to have no food or drinks other than water and sports drinks in the gym.
10. All students are to put their clothing and shoes in a cubby hole, not in the walk/runway.
11. Please mark initials inside clothing etc. in case it is lost, including water bottles. Lost and found will be kept in a box under the bench by the red door marked Lost & Found. At the end of the semester, any lost and found and leftover water bottles will be donated to local organizations.
12. Please check your class mailbox (by Red Door) every week at the end of class for flyers and handouts you may have missed.
13. Students are not allowed on equipment before or after classes. Siblings are not allowed on equipment at any time.
1. Most Heartland special events are handled through sign-up in the office/lobby. or online.
2. Special events with a fee are not part of class fees and must be paid for separately and prior to the event in the office or upon check-in at the event such as Kids Night Out and Open Gym.
3. Birthday parties may be scheduled and paid for through the office manager.
4. School field trips may be arranged through the office manager with adequate time to arrange instructors and activities.
5. Special events such as parades etc. require no special fee for participation but we do ask that you sign up ahead of time if possible, to accommodate space & treats.
“You cannot fix what you don’t know is broken.” If you are concerned about a situation please schedule to meet with us so that we can discuss and resolve the situation.
Communication is key!
Heartland Gymnastics Academy
1803 General Custer Road, Hays, Kansas 67601, United States
Copyright © 2025 Heartland Gymnastics Academy - All Rights Reserved.